Monday, September 26, 2011


Q: わかりません!これはなんですか?


How do you say enlightening, trippy, and Jungian in 日本語?I am not sure how to fully express how this video makes me feel in my native 英語(えいご)。

でも、here are some words I recognize:




  1. Well that was terrifying. I sincerely don't even know how to react to that... Its good that you're able to recognize some words I guess!

  2. Haha I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I love Japan but I have to say they do have the strangest things like that. I guess they're weird to us though, not necessarily them. Their TV shows are so funny to watch. Here's a commercial I found particularly hilarious :

  3. ワオオオ! このビデオ is definitely going in my 'Surreal things the country of Japan has produced' index.

    Flapping hair -- Gotta love it.


  4. はじめまして、サガルディアですどおぞよろしく。ぼくは ノトルダムだいがくのがくせんです。This video is crazy! I have no idea how to react.

  5. Yeah, my brother found that commercial and had to show it to me. It's pretty ridiculous. If you understand the song they're singing it helps though. It's like "if you're happy and you know it clap you hair" haha. Oh and I totally agree with you about the New York subways! I feel like I've "mastered" those now too,haha, but I'm definitely much more used to the Tokyo subways and how those are organized.

  6. はじめまして。コロンビアだいがくの日本語のよねんせいのジェシカです。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。Lady Violetさんのブログはとてもおもしろいとおもいます。[Hello, this is Jessica from fourth year Japanese at Columbia. Your blog is very interesting!]

    日本のおんがくがすきですか。 [Do you like Japanese music?] When I studied abroad in Japan I fell in love with Japanese rock music, called visual kei. Their music videos are also very strange like the one you posted! If you are interested, here is a visual kei video which is pretty silly too, though more in a crazy clown and "what is going on here?!" way than nonsensical silliness. This is my favorite Japanese band
