Thursday, October 20, 2011

Linguistics and Japanese

私はてつがくのがくせいです。げんごのてつがくはとてもおもしろいです。火ようびと木ようびにげんごがくのクラスへいきます。このクラスのせんせいは日本語がわかります!Professor McWhorter uses 日本語 to illustrate linguistic phenomena often. クールですね. He happens to think that it is one of the most straight-forward languages being spoken today. We shall agree to disagree. がくせいはせんせいにきょう "いただきます" のれきしをならいました。このワードのおばあさんとおじいさんは "いただく" と "まりあます" です。 "Particles" はげんごがくで postpositions です。ちょっとへんです。

げんご= language
がく= study of (as in an academic discipline)

せかいじん、何をならいますか? おもしろいですか?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is very interesting that Professor McWhorter thinks that Japanese is very straight forward. As a Japanese, I think interactions between people in Japanese society is the most non-straight forward interactions that can exist. Things are often left unsaid, and most people are supposed to pick up social cues that are non-verbal. Does he mean just grammatical patterns that are used in the language? -すぎもと
